Saturday, February 23, 2013

Camp ALMA!

This May, all of the volunteers from my region will be uniting to work on a very special project: bringing together 60 teenage girls for a 3-day leadership camp, with the theme of "Peace of Mind, Body, and Environment."

This youth camp is a special opportunity for the outstanding young leaders who attend.  There is a focus on sexual education, since the topic is commonly not addressed adequately in schools or in the family and other activities will include a career fair, recycled handicrafts, trash management, and leadership.  

It is rare that Peruvian teens in our region are allowed out of the house in the evenings, much less to sleep outside of the house for 2 nights. This is an experience that our participants will cherish for the new friends and safe space to talk honestly with their peers and Peace Corps Volunteers about their bodies, families, and futures.  

Here's where you come in.  As with all of our projects, a significant portion of the budget (40%) is coming from local community contributions and donated support.  But the rest, $2,200, we are fundraising through the following link.  All donations made through this link are secure through the Peace Corps website and tax-deductible.


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