At the end of November 2012, Becca moved in with the family Tejada Santamaria: her host dad, Francisco (or Kiko) was a baker, her host mom, Estefa, took care of the house and the family and she finally had siblings: Anibal, Mireli, and Sandra. They took her in as one of their own, took care of her when she was sick and talked through the confusion of a new language learner. Becca moved into this house expecting to spend two years there.
But we all know plans change and sometimes two years turns into one. There were a lot of reasons that Peace Corps decided Becca should move to Morrope, the capitol of the district about 10 kilometers away, but her family was not one of them. While Becca knew that her work would thrive in Morrope and was excited about her new host family, it hurt her heart to think about moving away from these kind, generous people who had become so big in her little life.
As she said her goodbyes Becca reflected on how proud she was of them.
The bakery was very popular in town and her host dad easily produced the best empanadas. Mireli was attending institute to become a chef and teaching her mom to cook new meals as well. Anibal's graphic design business was growing with new jobs for mass calendar and diploma production. Sandra was finishing up high school, graduating in only a few weeks. They were always growing and learning and Becca couldn't have been more proud to have once called herself part of their family.
Now it was time to move on and Becca was adapting to her new living situation but she knew she would visit them often and think of them always.
En los últimos días de noviembre del 2012, Becca se mudo a una casa con la familia Tejada Santamaría: su papa anfitrión, Francisco (o Kiko) fue un panadero. Su mama anfitriona cuido la casa y la familia. Y por fin, Becca tenia hermanos: Anibal, Mireli, y Sandra. Ellos la cuidaron como hija y hermana. La cuidaron cuando estaba enferma y cuando no entendió. Becca se mudo a la casa para vivir dos anos allá.
Pero, como sabemos, a veces los planes se cambian y dos anos significa solo uno. Había tantos razones que Cuerpo de Paz la mudo pero la familia anfitriona no fue una. Mientras Becca sabia que su trabajo y la nueva familia será bien en Morrope, sintió pena para salir esta casa con esta buena familia.
Cuando estaba despidiendo la familia, pensaba como orgullosa se sintió:
La panadería fue como la mas popular y la recete de empanadas fue lo máximo. Mireli estaba estudiando en instituto para ser chef y enseñando su mama nuevas comidas. Anibal tenia mucho trabajo del diseño gráfico como calendarios y certificados. La promoción de secundaria de Sandra ya estaba viniendo. Becca estaba bien orgullosa para decir su misma una parte de esta familia.
Y cuando estaba el tiempo para salir, Ella pensaba que visitara mucho y pensara de ellos siempre.
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