Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The PEP-iest Kids I Ever Knew...

In her time living and working in Cruz del Medano, Becca had only experienced a hand full of things that stayed consistent; one of them was the presence of adolescents. From her first visits to the schools to teaching summer English classes to her healthy schools classes to her health promoters project, Becca had gotten used to the giggles, the shouting, and awkward silences.
As her first year came to a close, Becca experienced a series of difficult times: projects falling apart, support fading, general issues of anxiety, but a magical thing seemed to happen every time she felt low: her students, who had begun to feel like her babies, picked her up. Most of the time, it wasn’t intentional. Most of the time, her kids didn’t even know she was struggling, but still they saved her.
With every successful class, with every student who was no longer afraid to say condom (or demonstrate proper use), with every joke that elicited a laugh, with every event where they held their own and learned new things, Becca felt the magic. The magic that told her she was going to make it through this next year and that her babies were going to be what got her there.

Photos from the First Annual Pasos Adelante Conference with all of the Teen Health Promoters in Lambayeque
Fotos de la primera conferencia regional de Pasos Adelante por Lambayeque

Durante su tiempo de vivi y trabajar en Cruz del Medano, Becca ha tenido pocas cosas que estaban consistentes y sin cambiar; uno de esas cosas fue la presencia de adolescentes. Desde sus primeras visitas al colegio hasta sus clases de vacaciones útiles hasta sus clases de escuelas saludables hasta su proyecto de promotores educadores pares, Becca se acostumbró a las sonrisas, las gritas, y los silencios raros.
Cuando su primer año estaba terminando, Becca estaba teniendo tiempos difíciles: algunos proyectos se terminó mal, el apoyo se terminó, problemas generales de ansiedad, pero una cosa mágica pasaba cada vez ella estaba triste: sus alumnos, como sus bebitos, se ayudaron. Muchas veces no estaba intencional porque ellos no sabían pero los alumnos se salvó ella. 
Con cada clase, con cada alumno que no tenían miedo a decir “condón” (o demostrar como usar un condón), con cada broma, con cada evento que salió bien, Becca se sintió la mágica. La mágica que indica que ella va a terminar un año mas con éxito y que va a terminar con todo el buen apoyo de sus bebes. 

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